Friday, January 20, 2012


Thank Goodness it's Friday!!!

For real, this is how I feel right now. I love the weekend, plus it will serve as a really good resting period for my knee which really hurts right now. Ever since surgery I am a complete klutz with my right leg...but that's a different story. Remember TGIF from way back in the day? Oh soooo sooo good! I kind of wish that was still happening. I remember such good things from those days and how it brought the whole family together to watch some of our favorite shows. I can't remember any other time where the family was home, together on a friday night. But moving on, none of this was really supposed to be part of my post.

Yesterday in my aging class we took a test to see how long we would live. At the end the teacher asked for a raise of hands to see about where everybody would fall. Only 1 or 2 lived over 100 (according to this test) about 10 more would live over 90 and then pretty much everybody would live over 85. Right then this triggered my days of watching Boy Meets World (seriously, didn't everybody LOVE this show?) and the episode where Topanga, Shawn, and Angela are all taking this test so they force Cory to take it too. As soon as they got the results they knew they were in trouble when the test revealed that Cory should have already died...or he was supopsed to die in the next few weeks (Can't remember for sure). But anyway, Cory becomes this crazy person obsessed with death and how he lived his life and he is basically on edge and freaking out about dying for the rest of the episode. It is hilarious. So in the middle of the class I start laughing because I think of how funny that episode was. If anybody heard me they had to have thought how sick and twisted it was that I was laughing about no judgy people, it's just the recollection of hilarious media from my youth!

Anybody else love Boy Meets World? Or remember the TGIF lineup? Rushing home from shopping or soccer practices or whatever it may have been to make sure you didn't miss TGIF? I vote we all watch Boy Meets World in class one day. So good.

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