Sunday, January 29, 2012


I love to skype...mostly just my family, because I love them and miss them every single day of my life. It's hard to be in Provo without family, besides my 2 brothers who could care less about coming and hanging out with their lonely sister.  I love my family. And ever since my sister and brother in law moved back to Vegas and stole my favorite little buddy Camden (my 2 and a half year old nephew), I have found myself missing family more than ever. Therefore, I love SKYPE! I think over the last 2 Sundays we've spent at least 6 hours skyping with both our families. It almost takes the pain away...almost. Can I tell you a funny story? Last weekend when I was skyping with my sister, Meghan, she ran upstairs real quick to find something for someone, leaving Camden (who is 2) sitting in the computer chair just chatting and dancing up a storm in front of the computer camera. I think he got so involved in the music and his dancing that he tipped over the computer chair and bonked into the wall. Naturally he starts crying, and there I am, sitting behind a computer screen 500 miles away, unable to do a thing. It was sad, but Meghan came running down really quick and picked him up and he was all good. That's when the story became less sad and more funny. The boy fake cried for the next 5 minutes. He's a stinker, and no matter what we did, he wouldn't smile, just gave us a stink eye. Another fun thing we do is offer Camden a cookie, so he will come over to the screen and try to grab the cookie, but to no avail. It's kind of a mean trick, but it makes us laugh, and he doesn't seem to get too upset. Recently, he hasn't been falling for this anymore. 
I don't know what we call this mask looking thing. 
So, point is, I like skyping with my family. It makes me feel like I am closer to them. Here is a picture from the skype session with the Ball family. I love to make funny faces at people while we are chatting, so my mother in law started copying me, and this is what we got. Aren't we just the funnest dang people ever? Haha. Just Kidding!!! But I love that media can bring us closer to family even when they are hundreds of miles away. Oh the beauties of living in the technological age. 

1 comment:

  1. Currently, I don't use skype at all, but I am sure I will when my little family moves away to grad school in the fall. When I was teaching English in China, I enjoyed using skype to talk to my mom. It was comforting to know that she was only a phone call away even though I was on another continent.
