Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Seek The Shining Moments

Okay okay, I know the song is really IMPROVE the shining moments...but I like the idea of seeking them better. If we are seeking them, then we are improving moments as well as our lives. Anywho, that's not really the point. I think music is one of the most powerful things on this earth. Think about it, take the scariest movie you've ever seen and take the background music away...it really wouldn't be all too scary anymore. Or Sacrament meeting, the speakers definitely bring the spirit, but I think music makes it resonate throughout your entire body. Such a cool thing. Today I was having one of those especially good days, don't know why, but I am grateful for it. Sorry to get all spiritual on this, usually I don't do that, I'm more of a jokester...but I've suddenly had this putting my entire life in God's hands thing going on. Usually I want things to be my way, so this is a big step! And it feels for real...none of that fake temporary kind of stuff. Anyway, I was contemplating this on my walk to work today and this song then popped in my head. Good song right? YES!

1. Improve the shining moments,
Don’t let them pass you by;
Work while the sun is radiant;
Work, for the night draws nigh.
We cannot bid the sunbeams
To lengthen out their stay;
Nor can we ask the shadow
To ever stay away.

2. Time flies on wings of lightning,
We cannot call it back;
It comes, then passes forward
Along its onward track;
And if we are not mindful,
The chance will fade away;
For life is quick in passing—
’Tis as a single day.

3. As winter time doth follow
The pleasant summer days,
So may our joys all vanish,
And pass far from our gaze.
Then should we not endeavor
Each day some point to gain,
That we may here be useful,
And ev’ry wrong disdain.

4. Improve each shining moment;
In this you are secure,
For promptness bringeth safety,
And blessings rich and pure.
Let prudence guide your actions,
Be honest in your heart,
And God will love and bless you,
And help to you impart.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Buying a Car?

You should probably check this out before making any decisions. 
And since we've been speaking of powerful advertisements. I LOVED this!!! I was eating lunch with my brother today and he was on his Ipad watching something. As soon as I heard the music I was like "What are you watching? I wanna watch too!" Talk about catchy and getting your attention. Not to mention all this stuff is really cool and you just want to go skydiving in a car now! Haha. I just liked it all around. Don't be surprised if I go out and buy this car now. Just kidding my friends....but it was good stuff. I've watched it like three times now.

Also, I just love chevy commercials since Tim Allen started doing the voice over. He's good times. Real good times. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012


I love to skype...mostly just my family, because I love them and miss them every single day of my life. It's hard to be in Provo without family, besides my 2 brothers who could care less about coming and hanging out with their lonely sister.  I love my family. And ever since my sister and brother in law moved back to Vegas and stole my favorite little buddy Camden (my 2 and a half year old nephew), I have found myself missing family more than ever. Therefore, I love SKYPE! I think over the last 2 Sundays we've spent at least 6 hours skyping with both our families. It almost takes the pain away...almost. Can I tell you a funny story? Last weekend when I was skyping with my sister, Meghan, she ran upstairs real quick to find something for someone, leaving Camden (who is 2) sitting in the computer chair just chatting and dancing up a storm in front of the computer camera. I think he got so involved in the music and his dancing that he tipped over the computer chair and bonked into the wall. Naturally he starts crying, and there I am, sitting behind a computer screen 500 miles away, unable to do a thing. It was sad, but Meghan came running down really quick and picked him up and he was all good. That's when the story became less sad and more funny. The boy fake cried for the next 5 minutes. He's a stinker, and no matter what we did, he wouldn't smile, just gave us a stink eye. Another fun thing we do is offer Camden a cookie, so he will come over to the screen and try to grab the cookie, but to no avail. It's kind of a mean trick, but it makes us laugh, and he doesn't seem to get too upset. Recently, he hasn't been falling for this anymore. 
I don't know what we call this mask looking thing. 
So, point is, I like skyping with my family. It makes me feel like I am closer to them. Here is a picture from the skype session with the Ball family. I love to make funny faces at people while we are chatting, so my mother in law started copying me, and this is what we got. Aren't we just the funnest dang people ever? Haha. Just Kidding!!! But I love that media can bring us closer to family even when they are hundreds of miles away. Oh the beauties of living in the technological age. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mr. Rogers

In class we watched that nice, sweet, peaceful video clip of mister rogers. It reminded me of this time just a few short years ago when I was on Youtube searching for some video cips...and you know youtube, you go there for one thing and walk away having watched a ton of videos that led you somewhere entirely different from where you began. It was one of those days when I came across a creepy montage someone had put together of mister rogers. I thought it was hilarious and went up and got my mom to watch it cuz I thought it was so funny. It was a joyous moment as we laughed hysterically about how creepy this video was. In class it triggered my memory of this, so just now I looked to see if I could find it. It's like 10 minutes long. So I decided to post just one little clip from it someone else had put up. Funny stuff. Okay just kidding. I couldn't find it in the options that blogger is giving me. I probably wouldn't watch the whole thing if I were you.

Start at 4:30 if you don't feel like watching it all. The beginning is a little slow, but this is the part that had me and my mom laughing the most.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Thank Goodness it's Friday!!!

For real, this is how I feel right now. I love the weekend, plus it will serve as a really good resting period for my knee which really hurts right now. Ever since surgery I am a complete klutz with my right leg...but that's a different story. Remember TGIF from way back in the day? Oh soooo sooo good! I kind of wish that was still happening. I remember such good things from those days and how it brought the whole family together to watch some of our favorite shows. I can't remember any other time where the family was home, together on a friday night. But moving on, none of this was really supposed to be part of my post.

Yesterday in my aging class we took a test to see how long we would live. At the end the teacher asked for a raise of hands to see about where everybody would fall. Only 1 or 2 lived over 100 (according to this test) about 10 more would live over 90 and then pretty much everybody would live over 85. Right then this triggered my days of watching Boy Meets World (seriously, didn't everybody LOVE this show?) and the episode where Topanga, Shawn, and Angela are all taking this test so they force Cory to take it too. As soon as they got the results they knew they were in trouble when the test revealed that Cory should have already died...or he was supopsed to die in the next few weeks (Can't remember for sure). But anyway, Cory becomes this crazy person obsessed with death and how he lived his life and he is basically on edge and freaking out about dying for the rest of the episode. It is hilarious. So in the middle of the class I start laughing because I think of how funny that episode was. If anybody heard me they had to have thought how sick and twisted it was that I was laughing about death...so no judgy people, it's just the recollection of hilarious media from my youth!

Anybody else love Boy Meets World? Or remember the TGIF lineup? Rushing home from shopping or soccer practices or whatever it may have been to make sure you didn't miss TGIF? I vote we all watch Boy Meets World in class one day. So good.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Just recently I got on a "Big Bang Theory" fix. Why? Well up until today I hadn't really given it any thought...But today in my Media class we were talking about the different reasons that people watch certain TV shows. A lot of times we watch things to meet certain needs we may have. I don't know if anyone has seen any episodes of the Big Bang Theory, but basically it is about these beyond super nerdy guys that live across the hall from a hot chick that is pretty dumb (Penny)...at least in regards to physics. She is very socially inclined, whereas the nerdy boys (especially Sheldon) are socially inept. Anywho, background story real quick, I did just have surgery over Christmas break and now I have to spend 4 hours a day, every day, with my leg hooked into a machine that goes up and down, up and down. It is boring to say the least (unless watching TV), and sometimes can be painful, so I usually take the very powerful drugs they gave me to help with pain, but this also puts me out and makes me just want to fall asleep, but I don't want to fall asleep, so instead I veg in front of the TV. Enough of that, I just had to excuse my ridiculous amount of time watching this show, plus, that truly is one reason why I watch the show, I need some sort of entertainment during the most boring periods of my life! Second, I love nerdy boys. Always have. I never was one of those girls that went for the "Brad Pitt" look or the good looks advertised in Hollywood. Nerds are darling, naive, and you just feel good when hanging out with them because life isn't about all the petty things in life like it can be when you're with other people. I like to think I married a nerd, but Taylor doesn't really think he is one. So we meet halfway...he's got the smarts of a nerd...but he isn't really interested in typical nerdy things like Batman, and action figures, and the kind that can speak the weird languages in Star Wars and Lord of the rings (like the nerds from BBT do). So I just watch it to get my nerd fix. I love nerds, and being married has kept me from said nerds. Haha. JK! But I guess in a way it is kind of true. Third, I was always that girl growing up that was hanging out with the guys. I was doing the boy things and spending all my time with them, and I enjoyed being the only girl in their little circle. I love that Penny is that girl, so I guess in a way I identify with her a little bit. I feel like in real life, I would totally be that girl that was friends with these guys (despite their weird quirks and sometimes obnoxious commentary). I was always friends with people that others wouldn't give the time of day to. Said, but sometimes true.

I could write more, but my leg is in the machine and I am currently heavily medicated...which means, BBT will have to be my cure. BYE!

I added the picture, because I really do think that they are just adorable. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Title

I, like most normal people in the world, enjoy all sorts of media. While it often brings joy, laughter, and relaxation into my life, it is also a major time waster that sometimes brings uninvited profanity and sexuality. Therefore, media is my friend and also my enemy...FRENEMY! Okay, so I realize that this is not very clever, nor is it very appealing. But it is for my media class which I find most interesting. So here is the beginning, please look forward to many more posts about the media as a frenemy in my life. YAY!