Sunday, March 25, 2012

YW Broadcast

Last night I had the opportunity to go to the YW broadcast with the young women in my ward and stake. I thought this was awesome because although I've been to the conference center for conference, I've never been for this. Anywho, during the conference they showed this video with girls singing around the world. It was pretty cool. I loved it, I felt the spirit really strong during that part of the meeting. I think it's awesome that while we were sitting there in the center it was being broadcast to millions of women all over the world instantaneously. AWESOME! Sometimes I just love how advanced this world has become. 


  1. wooo hooo! way to see the positive in the media ;) you go girl... for going.

  2. I watched that video too. Pretty awesome! That's actually what I wrote about for my blog too :)
