Sunday, February 26, 2012

Stephen Colbert Mormon ads

I saw this a long time ago...but just remembered about it today as I was talking to my in laws. So funny. Watch it. I heart stephen colbert.

Click on this link...Love love.

I like his point about Joseph Smith and Moses with the 10 commandments. Oh comedians have such a way to my heart.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How Stupid Am I?!

K, so I guess last month Beyonce and Jay-Z had a baby. I vaguely remember this apparently very talked about event. Something about renting out the hospital floor for 1.3 million dollars. Honestly, I know you aren't going to believe this but it is 100% TRUE!!! I didn't even know the two were married, not to mention pregnant. So today on Hulu I saw an SNL clip of Beyonce and Jay Z with baby Ivy or Blue, I can't even remember what the kids first name is. Anywho, it sparked some interest in me, so I watched it, which then sparked an interest in seeing what this kid looked like. Which then brought me to videos and news about Beyonce hiring a surrogate mother. How did I miss all this? Honestly, I am not one for tabloids and celeb that is probably why. But I just spent the last 40 minutes looking up all this CRAP about people I don't even care about. And this is why sometimes I hate the internet and instant access to millions of information about random people I don't even know. THAT IS WHY I AM STUPID! I somehow get sucked into it every time. But I think Beyonce wins on stupidity this time. A surrogate mother really?!?! I just think this world is getting more and more sad. Money, fame, a career is really that important to you and would stop you from carrying your own baby for just 9 months?! SAAAAD I repeat. Alright, well I am done with that. I promise to never waste more time on Beyonce and Jay-Z ever again. The end. 

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Whitney Houston and Rebecca Black

K, I am at my parent's house this weekend and last night my mom and dad were watching the 20/20 special on Whitney Houston's life. Honestly, I did not really know anything about her prior to this besides she sings the song "I will always love you." I know I am just not up to date on all these popular people. Anyway, they said something interesting in the video...Whitney was desperately trying to make a comeback after the whole drug and whatever other crazy things were going on. Unfortunately, she just wasn't ready for her comeback and would often miss her high notes, and her voice just wasn't the same. They even showed one video of her taking a minute pause before starting the high note of her song. They said that it was really bad for Whitney Houston that all of this happened when Youtube was becoming really popular because it meant that people could watch and rewatch all over her mess ups and bad concerts. She was in the headlines, but for all her nasty performances. It really shot her self esteem. I love the powers of youtube for funny videos, or even true news. But sometimes I just really feel bad about the negative effects it has on individuals who are being made fun of, or put down every time one of their videos is watched. Anybody remember the not so wonderful Rebecca Black's breakthrough on youtube with the ever popular "Friday?" Of course you was terrible, and it was watched millions upon millions of times. SAD!

K in this title I don't want to say I am comparing Rebecca Black to Whitney Houston...but both got put down from their viral videos on youtube. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Too much media

Over the course of just a few days I watched The Vow, The Blindside, an episode of Pretty Little Liars, an episode of The Bachelor, and probably something else I am forgetting. It was too much for me. I want to never watch that much TV in a span of just a few days ever again. Usually I have lots to say, but this week I am struggling for ideas. So that's about all I can give you. I did enjoy watching The Blindside for my 490 class though. I think it was wonderful to watch it and pick out the things we have been learning about through the SFL major. Wonderful, wonderful. Cheerio good ladies.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Shamed- Speak Listen Heal

Hey everyone. I don't know how many of you have seen the trailer for a documentary a group of people are trying to put together called "Shamed." But the quick info on it is they need 40,000 dollars donated to the program so that they can shoot it and put it all together. I think it is a wonderful cause, as it is trying to warn the world of the effects of pornography and how harmful it is to our society and families. Pass the word on please! They have almost met their goal, but they have to meet it within the next 4 days...if they don't, then the documentary won't be made. So donate please, or pass the world on so that others can donate. I would love to see this go through. I know there are many people that are affected by this, and it will affect everyone's life at some point! It is so sad, and I would hope that this video (if made) could help any individuals struggling with pornography or those who have a loved one struggling with the addiction. Thanks! Here's the link...

And watch the video if you wish.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Best Media a 19 Year Old Boy Could Ask For!

My little brother just got his mission call last night. I can't believe it! When did we all grow up?! Anywho, he is going to the Scotland/Ireland mission!!!! Sooo coool. I'm sure every person has had the wonderful experience of watching someone open their mission call or opening their own, but it is just a beautiful thing. They get basically a little brochure with a map showing where their mission boundaries are, who their mission president and his family are, what types of clothes to wear, where to report, etc. I don't really know if we can count it as media. But I certainly am. And it's media from the prophets and apostles of our church. What's better than that? Anyway, I was just super excited about it so of course I had to relate it to media so I could put it on here, my little brother is perhaps my most favorite person in the world (Besides Taylor of course). We were best friends all growing up, so I just can't believe that he is ready to be 19 and leave the country and deliver the good message of Jesus Christ and deliver the Book of Mormon (The most important book in the world) to those in Scotland and Ireland. Their quality of media will increase ten fold. Anywho, I'm weird. Pay no attention. Love you Dallin and CONGRATS!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012


Watch this video. You will be blown away. 

K I don't know if anyone saw this, but isn't this freaking awesome!? I don't even know what to say about this except for these people are genius's! How do they come up with these things? This makes me hopeful that I can someday win a free car by doing next to nothing. Haha.